Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)– Nasal Septum
A rhinoplasty surgery is performed under general anesthesia.
There isn’t any post-operative pain neither after a simple rhinoplasty nor when combined with the correction of nasal septum deviation (or scoliosis). The patient does not need to take any pain medication when he/she leaves the hospital.
There are incisions after rhinoplasty. In 95% of the cases, the incisions are internal (inside the nostrils) with absorbable sutures. In some cases (clefts or previous surgeries) there is a thin incision of a few millimeters at the base of the nose that becomes imperceptible by the passage of time.
The 90% of patients go home the same evening after surgery. The patient can return to the everyday activities in one week.
The most common complication is the postoperative bleeding (0% in our cases). It usually stops with light pressure.
Final Results
Will appear in about six months. At first, the swelling begins to subside starting from the bridge of the nose and ending at the nostrils. The 50% of swelling has subsided in one month. Breathing continues to improve for 2-3 months after surgery.
Successful rhinoplasty – correction of nasal septum deviation (or scoliosis) means that it produces a natural result, i.e., a nose that will fit perfectly on the face and tie in harmony with the other facial features of the patient.
A thermoplastic splint (not a plaster bandage)is placed that takes the shape of the nose and remains there for one week. There aren’t gauzes or tubes inside the nostrils. Only in the case of a simultaneous correction of nasal septum deviation (or scoliosis), very thin silicone sheets are placed that remain for a week and are well tolerated by the patient.
Because of swelling (especially the first 24 hours), the patient may feel that his/her nose is blocked or runny (difficulty in breathing as in a common cold). Usually, the intense swelling and bruising begin to subside after a week.
First of all, the patient has to make frequent nasal washes with saline solution and use moisturizing ointment intranasally. It is also important to keep his/her head elevated with 1-2 pillows during sleep and avoid intense activities such as bending for the risk of bleeding.
During the first week, the patient can shampoo his/her hair with the head backwards (like at the hairdresser’s) and then he/she may return to the normal way. Wearing glasses is allowed after 1.5 months.