
Craniofacial Surgery
The Hellenic Craniofacial Center is a model, specialized and innovative center, which was created to offer comprehensive care in the field of facial deformities, according to international standards and protocols. It is the only fully staffed center in Greece and one of the few in Europe, specialized in such cases according to international protocols and recognized by the European Society of Craniofacial Surgery. It is one of only 9 respective centers recognized in Europe.
Through specialized craniofacial-plastic surgery, deformities of the face, children and adults, such as congenital malformations, craniofacial malformations and syndromes, cleft lip and palate as well as functional problems, such as functional problems facial problems.
Types of Surgery
Facial and skull deformities (congenital or acquired)
The Hellenic Skull Center undertakes incidents that concern both children and adults.
The purpose of the Center is the complete restoration of the incidents that it undertakes on an aesthetic, functional and psychological level in order to achieve their smooth reintegration into society.
One of the special features of the Center is the individualized and complete treatment of the cases, throughout their life, according to the special needs of each patient. This means that the patient, where necessary, is monitored in addition to the craniofacial plastic surgeon, at the same time by leading physicians and scientists of all specialties deemed necessary for the successful rehabilitation of this case.
The specialization of the Hellenic Craniofacial Center as well as the many years of experience of its human resources in the treatment and rehabilitation of facial deformities of children and adults, with the most modern methods and surgical techniques, make the Center one of the model Centers in Europe.
Collaborating Specialties
- Hematology
- Speech therapy
- Molecular Biology – Genetics
- Neurosurgery
- Dentistry (adult aesthetics and pediatric dentistry)
- Orthodontics
- Ophthalmology
- Pediatrics
- Pulmonology
- Physical therapy
- Otolaryngology
For safer and a more effective surgical treatment of the cases in the center you will find:
- Specially trained anesthesiologists and pediatric anesthesiologists
- Specialist pediatric dentists
- Modern medical equipment
- Specialized surgical equipment
- Specialized medical illustration
Preoperative Assessment
For a comprehensive treatment and preoperative assessment of patients, the Center conducts monthly meetings of all collaborating specialties. There, by appointment, the patient can be evaluated by a team of specialists, in order to get effectively informed without hassle about the necessary actions for the successful recovery of the disease.
You will find more about the operations performed in our Center in the relevant section of the craniofacial website.
For any further information or to make an appointment click HERE.