Male Surgery-Liposuction
The surgery duration depends on the body areas and is estimated from 20 mins up to 2.5 hrs. The patient usually returns home in 3-4 hours after surgery.
A liposuction procedure is, in 90% of the cases, performed under local anesthesia in combination with sedation. For small areas, local anesthesia is sufficient.
Liposuction is not a painful procedure. There is no severe pain. With oral analgesics during the first few days after liposuction surgery, the patient feels a sense of numbness and stretching (pulling) in the operated area, resembling to intense exercise pain, which gradually subsides after 4 to 5 days.
The patient can return to work in 24-48 hours after surgery (depending on how many areas have undergone liposuction and the fat volume that has been removed). Exercising is allowed one month after surgery and swimming, after three weeks of surgery.
There will be a small difference in weight (depending on the fat volume that is removed). In the first few days after liposuction, there will be a slight increase of weight due to the fluid retention (e.g. in a liposuction of 2 liters fat, there is a difference in weight about 1-1.5 kg).
Results are more evident in about six months. The bruises usually subside in 10-14 days while the sense of numbness in the skin gradually subsides in a few weeks.
Lipoplasty or Lipo or Suction-Assisted Lipectomy (SAL)
Liposuction is the cosmetic surgery operation that removes the localized fat deposits that don’t subside with diet and exercise. The main goal is not weight loss, but the permanent change of body shape. The ideal candidates for this procedure are those with normal weight and good skin elasticity. There are no age restrictions. Anyone from 16-76 years old can be subjected to liposuction.
Before starting the liposuction, the surgeon makes an injection (tumescent technique) with saline solution containing a local anesthetic and adrenaline. This helps in the quicker and easier suction of adipocytes as well as in significantly less blood loss (due to vasoconstriction that is caused by adrenaline), thus allowing the removal of a larger quantity of fat with safety and less bruises postoperatively. Afterwards, the fat is sucked through thin cannulas with 4.2 mm in diameter.
With regards to incisions, there are 1-2 holes with 2-3 mm in diameter per area, which after a few months are not visible. In the dark skin types, hyperpigmentation may appear on the incisions that may persist for a longer time.
Laser Assisted Lipoplasty (LAL)
The world experience about laser-assisted lipoplasty hasn’t been shown to be more effective than the traditional liposuction and is usually associated with a greater surgical time, is more expensive, can cause problems in the kidneys and liver by the release of free fatty acids that are produced by the destruction of fat cells. Also, several cases have been reported burns and damages to the surrounding tissues. We believe that in the future, when this technology will improve and proven under real and not directed studies that there will be significant advantages and fewer complications and then we will begin to use it to our patients.
The Fat is not restored after Liposuction
Due to the fact that the number of fat cells (adipocytes) per body area is stable, the fat cells (adipocytes) that are removed will not reappear. In the case of an increased caloric intake as the fat cells (adipocytes) act as fat deposits, one can gain weight also in the body areas that have undergone liposuction. However since the number of cells is reduced the difference will not be significant. In contrast, the body areas that have not undergone liposuction will be affected more.
After Liposuction small waterproof pads are placed in the incision areas so that the patient can take a shower one day after the surgery. Immediately after surgery, he/she wears an elastic compression garment for a month that he/she must take it off only for taking a bath or going to toilet.