Brachioplasty (Arm Lift surgery)


The operation lasts for about one and a half to two hours. Usually, the patient returns home the same evening after surgery.


This procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia in combination with sedation. General anesthesia is administered in the case of large excisions or in combinational surgeries.


The patient can return to work within two days after surgery (if the work is not manual). Sports must be avoided for a month following surgery.


If brachioplasty surgery is combined with liposuction then the results will be visible in about six months following surgery. The scars look initially red and hard for the following 3-4 months and are gradually improved within the year. A thin white line remains in the area.

Liposuction is indicated when there is no skin slackening but only local fat in the area. If there is local fat as well as skin slackening then it is necessary to remove skin and fat from the upper arm, making an incision from the elbow to the armpit. The incisions limited only to area of the armpit are, in most cases, ineffective and are indicated only in very small slackening near the armpit.

All sutures after a brachioplasty surgery are absorbable. There are no drainage tubes used. Immediately after surgery, the patient wears a compressive garment from the elbow up to the armpit for 3 weeks.